Theoreo is the mascot of a leader game rooms management application. The concept was something like a "robot" with the 4 colored dots of his brand identity on the body. I did few sketch of different solutions (some really funny) and the one choosed is the following.

In the raw concept sketch, the mascot was more like an android... but it looks too serious! By the way I didn't like the legs so much and I need something easy to animate and pose. At the beginning our customer wants the character to be in 2D.

So here we are, changed legs and proportions. Just to give a funny appeal. When animate the head will be something big and heavy for his body... it makes me smile.

His facial expressions will appear on the display placed in the head (the shape of the head is like a coin-op)

I love superhero power poses :)

As a guide, Theoreo is used in different ways in our customer product, so sometimes he may look like an hipster... full of wisdom

We use Theoreo as guide for our customer apps, in digital signage, print stuff and packaging

Theoreo's led display in a showroom

All the properties go to the owners